The GUY stuck his TOE outside of his pants in the evening. |
そと |
★★★★★ |
はず‘*れ |
to be literally apart from something (miss the target by 3 cm= 3cmはずれ)(the cloth was 3 cm over the limit, and stuck out of the arm-holes) (to be off the mark, out of line, etc.)
★★★☆☆ |
( が or に ) はず*れる |
to be cut off, to be outside. A door is off its hinges. A person is ostracized. Something is so incredible you can't even believe it.
★★☆☆☆ |
外人 |
foreigner (the more formal term is 外国人 (がいこくじん), but plain old 外人 is not neccesairly rude. It all depends on the tone) |
xxx 以外 |
other than xxx
other than xxx / except for xxx. |
例外 |
an exception to a rule |
案外 に or な |
more than one expected
more/less/weirder than you expected. |
季節外れ の |
out of season.
容姿 外見 見た目 外観 容貌 |
border, edge
国境 境 境界 縁 端 末 先 外れ 際 |
外 屋外 |
抜く 外す 排除 除外 |
solitude, alienation
疎外感 孤独 疎遠 |
unexpected, chance, coincidence
偶然 意外 案外 |