Some poo descended from my COLON. |
He gets out of his vehicle at each town to fuck the locals. (FYI he's a christian missionary, and he's teaching them the position favored by the Lord) |
( を ) お*りる |
get off the bus/ taxi / train
★★★★☆ |
( が ) ふ*る |
rain falls
★★★☆☆ |
が 降参 する |
a casual word for surrender: to give up mid-game. A politician concedes defeat. To say uncle. |
降伏 |
surrender - unlike the more casual 降参 (こうさん), 降伏 is used when you, like, lose a war. |
from now on, since then
以前 以来 以後 以降 きり それから 今後 |
降参する 降伏 自首 |