When the sun or the moon is full, it MAY get bright! |
あか*るい |
bright , sunny weather / person with a sunny disposition.
★★★★★ |
あき*らか ( な or に ) |
an obvious, clear difference between two things
★★☆☆☆ |
説明 する |
Explanation / to explain |
不明 な or の |
unknown, unclear
unknown, unclear. (the body's identity remains unknown / an unknown tribe made these carvings of your mama's ass) |
明けましておめでとう |
Happy new year! ★☆☆☆☆ BOOBOO Happy new year! (only noobs say this before Jan 1st. In the last part of December, we say, "良いお年を!" (よいおとしを!) |
証拠 証明 証 証言 |
説明 解説 |
precise, strict,
几帳面な 厳密 厳格 正確 正確 精巧 厳重 きちんと 明確に |