I looked with my eye as rats gnawed off KENny's little human legs. |
( を ) み*る |
to look, to see
★★★★★ |
( を ) み*せる |
show something to someone
★★★★★ |
( が or に ) み*える |
be able to see. As in, "Can you see that bird in the distance?"
★★★★★ |
み*せびらかす |
to show off. This is not an offensive term - you can even say it about yourself, "I'd like to show off my new boyfriend!"
★☆☆☆☆ |
意見 | |
見付ける |
1/2 KANA
find (your car keys that you thought you'd lost)ー BOOBOO: you don't use 見つける about things you're discovering for the first time. That's 発見 (はっけん)! |
花見 |
sakura-viewing party
cherry-blossom looking-at-and-getting-bombed parties |
Meaning | Hint | Radical | |
貝 | shellfish | ANIMAL LEGS | ![]() |
見 | look | HUMAN LEGS | ![]() |
Money has ANIMAL LEGS because a shellfish is an animal.
Look has HUMAN LEGS because you're a human and you look at shit.
容姿 外見 見た目 外観 容貌 |
見捨てる 振る |
great, magnificent
上手 うまい 素敵 立派 素晴らしい 見事 |
警備 監視 見張り |
idly, stand by
見兼ねてxxx 見殺し 勘弁出来ない たまるか |
感想 意見 印象 解釈 |
judge someone
偏見 判断 先入観 判決 裁く 審査 |
見過ごす 大目に見る |
point of view
立場 見方 味方 世界観 彼にして見ればxxx |
見る 観る |
show off
見栄を張る 見せびらかす |
show, indicate
見せる 示す |
頂点 見所 頂上 山頂 天辺 頂 |
to look or stare
チラ見する じっと見る にらむ 見つめる 眺める |