To start a new society, populate a deserted island with kids you make when you have SEX with the rapper YO-YO. |
In this dog-eat-dog society, losers get shoved into a pit. |
世界 |
the world
the world, as in "biggest in the world!" "fastest in the world!" |
世の中 |
the world
the social, everyday world - more poetic than 世界。 Used in dramatic declarations like, "I'm sick of this fuckin' world!" "I don't care about this life!" "Poor Kurt Cobain, he was just too sensitive for this cruel world!" Also, usually implies JUST Japanese society. |
世論 |
public opinion
お 世辞 | |
お 世話 する |
take care of
to take care of someone sick or old or retarded. What your mom did. |
point of view
立場 見方 味方 世界観 彼にして見ればxxx |
society, the world
世界 世の中 世間 社会 地球 |
to take care
お世話 面倒みる |