Don't just SAY that you'll act correct, you gotta SHOW me. |
Stop using ONE pair of underpants all week. Act correct with your hygiene! |
ただ*しい |
correct, in BOTH senses : literally , as in a correct answer. (Implies that there is ONLY ONE correct one). And figuratively: something that is morally correct or just.
★★★★★ |
正直 な |
honest / loyal
very honest person, very loyal. Person with integrity. Also means, "To tell you the truth. . . xxxx" |
正解 |
correct answer
正確 な |
accurate, precise (used about machines, not people) |
correct, just
当たり前 当然 適当 正しい 適切 妥当 もっともの 正に |
faithful, upstanding
誠 誠実 正直 堅実 忠実 |
名誉 光栄 潔さ 正直 |
precise, strict,
几帳面な 厳密 厳格 正確 正確 精巧 厳重 きちんと 明確に |