You should judge a man's character by the size of his COCK. |
Each species of tree has a different character - some are tall, some are dignified, some are gnarly and some are just on fire. |
格好 |
1/2 KANA
literally, 'look' or 'shape,' as in 'He's dressed as a woman' : おんなの格好してる。 But usually it means 'coolness:' かっこいい (cool) or かっこうわるい (not).(when used in the figurative, 'cool' sense, it is usually KANA) |
性格 |
合格 する |
pass test
pass a test.(opposite: ふごうかく) |
Meaning | Hint | Radical | |
絡 | get entangled | STRING | 糸 |
格 | character, aspect | TREE | 木 |
略 | abbreviation | RICEFIELD | 田 |
You get entangled in STRING,
The Ents are TREEs, who were characters in Lord of the Rings.
And. . . .um . . .and you abbreviate a RICEFIELD when you harvest the rice.
idiom, expression
表現 慣用句 格言 ことわざ 方言 xxx弁 |
old saying
名言 格言 諺 合言葉 |
性格 性質 品性 |
precise, strict,
几帳面な 厳密 厳格 正確 正確 精巧 厳重 きちんと 明確に |
値段 価値 価 値 物価 価格 小売価格 卸価格 値段 |