KI / GE -People forget about "GE." |
GET in a good mood and KEEP being in a good mood. |
I'm in a loco mood - I may stab you with scissors or shoot you with a rifle in this mood. |
き |
basically, 'mood', but there are over 3,000 expressions that use it. KI can be put in, become exhausted ,become lost, change, be pulled, be big, small, changing. KI gets followed, met, used, lightened, lengthened, shortened, rotated, cut. KI can be strong, weak, floating, heavy. . .. but you never say, "how's your ki doing ?" or "I've got great ki today!" - You have to use it as part of an expression.
★★★★★★ |
気を付けて |
be careful!
気持ち |
feels good!
oh HELLS yeah. It feels good.(although this isn't dirty by itself, it is the #1 actual word yelled in pornos.) |
元気 |
cheerful, energetic. Doesn't matter if it's totally forced. |
天気 | |
気にしない |
don't worry about it! ★★★★☆ |
気になった |
I'm worried about it. ★★★★☆ |
気違い |
fuckin' crazy
(literally, 'different feeling') crazy - this is one of the biggest cusses in the whole language-a garunteed fight-starter. This is instructive in several ways. 1) Japanese is such a polite language that 'different feeling' is one of the worst insults. 2) it takes a certain kind of culture to think that having a different feeling is such a bad thing in the first place! 3) Historically it is a discriminatory term against people who suffer from mental illness. |
気付いた |
realize something
to belatedly realize something - d'oh! (also pronounced 気がついた) |
気晴らし に |
Just for fun
Just for fun, do you wanna (blah blah blah)?" |
勇気 度胸 けなげ |
お大事に さよなら 気をつけて いってらっしゃい またね |
cheer up
勇気付ける 励ます 元気を出させる 慰める |
腰抜け 意気地なし 卑怯な |
険悪 物騒 うさんくさい 気味悪い 危ない 意地汚い |
憂鬱 落ち込む 気分がしずむ きが滅入る 陰気 ふてくされる うかない |
endure, persevere
我慢 忍耐 根気 忍ぶ 堪忍する |
気絶する 卒倒 薄い 淡い |
ok, fine
了解 順調 平気 |
人気がある もてる ちやほや |
pressure, accelerate
促す 促進 催促 奨励 勇気づける 迫る |
pretentious or arrogant
気取りや 尊大 いい気 になってる いばってる xxx振ってる 自惚れ 仰々しい 横柄な |
short temper
短気 気が短い |
too intimate, too personal
ねほりはほり聴く なれなれしい 気安くxxx |
醜い 醜悪 気色悪い おぞましい |